Pure quality - makes the difference
Parasite Cleanse
La limpieza básica de la Dra. Hulda Clark para comenzar tu camino hacia la salud

Liver Cleanse
La famosa limpieza del hígado perfeccionada por la Dra.
Hulda Clark

Kidney Cleanse
Limpieza de riñones según la Dra. Hulda Clark para apoyar la función renal

Bowel Cleanse
Limpieza intestinal de la Dra. Hulda Clark para restaurar una buena función intestinal

Vari Zapper
Honors Dr. Clark’s original invention, while integrating cutting-edge technology
The Dr. Clark Zentrum works according to the principles of Dr. Hulda Clark.

All our products are made with the utmost care and attention to detail.
- All our products are made with the utmost care and attention to detail.
- We select our suppliers according to strict criteria.
- Utilizamos hierbas orgánicas o cosechadas silvestres siempre que sea posible.
- Se gasta una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo procesando suplementos de acuerdo con los requisitos de la Dra. Hulda Clark.
- Nuestros suplementos están sujetos a pruebas de laboratorio y bioenergéticas frecuentes.
- Nunca usamos colorantes, saborizantes, edulcorantes, agentes de formación de comprimidos, o antiaglomerantes.
- Por regla general no utilizamos rellenos y agentes de flujo. Cuando es imperativo por razones de producción, sólo usamos los más seguros, principalmente harina de arroz orgánica.

After graduating in biology and getting a PhD in physiology, native Canadian Dr. Hulda Clark turned to naturopathy from 1958 onward. She got a degree as a natural health professional at the Clayton College for Natural Medicine. Her motivation for research and development was to design methods and equipment that enable everyone to get rid of their diseases.
For 44 years, Dr. Clark worked with patients and published her numerous findings on the true causes of physical disorders in eight books. She particularly focused on environmental toxins and parasites, which she considered to play an essential role in pathogenesis.
With the help of a test device developed by her – the so-called Syncrometer – she for instance found out that every cancer involves a specific liver parasite and the presence of a solvent called isopropyl alcohol in the body. Based on these findings, she continued to design methods and equipment in order to offer sick people an alternative way of treating their problems. For example, her findings led to a device called the “Zapper”. Ever since, this small frequency device has enjoyed much popularity and paved the way to a new approach to frequency-based medicine.
Her many findings from years of research form the base of an extensive therapeutic concept that numerous therapists, natural health professionals and physicians all over the world apply most successfully today. This approach involves the cleansing of the most important detoxification organs (kidneys, liver, bowels) through targeted cleansing protocols, the elimination of parasites, frequency applications and avoiding exposure to environmental toxins. In line with the latter, Dr. Clark always advocated that food supplements should be as pure as possible.
Dr. Clark’s scientific findings are a self-sufficient protocol of their own, but can be integrated in many other therapy concept successfully.

I have known Dr. Hulda Clark's protocol since 1995 and visited her clinic for the first time in 1996. In 1998 I started to distribute products according to the books of Dr. Hulda Clark. It was my main concern from the start to adhere to her recommendations about product quality and production, and this has remained unchanged ever since (find my complete story below).
Much has happened in these 20 years, I have witnessed many things and now I am more certain than ever that the Clark protocol is a promising alternative approach to health, because it has a holistic view and considers all the different aspects of the human body, from teeth to detoxification to nutrition to energetic balancing.
You will also notice that our prices are reasonable. Dr. Hulda Clark's concept of "Self Health", meaning everyone should be able to stay in charge of their own health, requires that the products are available and affordable and do not become luxury goods.
I hope you find what you are looking for in our shop. If you have any questions, send us an e-mail and my staff will reply to you.
Kind Regards
David P. Amrein, Naturopath
P.S.: I personally guarantee the quality of our products. I emphasize this with our 30 day money back guarantee in case our products do not meet your expectations.

VariZapper 2.0
Zapper según la Dra. Hulda Clark

VariGamma 2.0
Generador de frecuencias para aplicaciones de frecuencias
según la Dra. Clark y otros

El nuevo dispositivo de testaje bioenergético según la Dra. Hulda Clark

Sistema de filtración de agua por ósmosis inversa para agua potable pura